Thursday, January 16, 2020

What was the context for the founding of Christianity? What ideas did Jesus of Nazareth preach?

Components of the New Testament 《新約組成部分》

请从视频30 分 41  秒 - 36:47 处找到以上问题答案。

baptism by John Jesus seems to have
30:41 embarked on his career as a preacher
30:49Jesus went throughout Galilee teaching
30:52in the synagogues and proclaiming the
30:54good news of the kingdom and curing
30:57every disease and every sickness among
31:00the people Jesus career apparently was
31:07centered mostly in the towns and
31:10villages in a few small cities in the
31:13area of the Galilee his home region
31:18Jesus ministry in the Galilee is rather
31:21complicated but I think we can begin to
31:24get the real better understanding of it
31:27through archaeology and through higher
31:29literary studies of the Gospels today
31:33those villages there were absolutely
31:36essential to his ministry he's avoiding
31:40the big towns cities probably because
31:43the elements who run those cities are of
31:46such a high class that they're probably
31:48not interested in Jesus's message
31:54whether he was himself a simple man of
31:57the people or someone far more
32:00sophisticated Jesus does seem to have
32:03pitched his message at ordinary people
32:05and to have impressed them with his
32:07healing powers healings seems to been
32:12something of a specialty of his for
32:14which he had a great reputation people
32:16would bring for miles around
32:18judging from the Gospels to bring their
32:19sick the frail to Jesus to be healed I
32:24loved the story about about Jesus
32:27reaching down and picking up the dust
32:29and mixing it with his own spit and
32:31forming a kind of healing balm that he
32:34applies to someone and it's also
32:37interesting that in one healing case
32:39Jesus sort of misses the mark embedded
32:41neste as to refine the cure that he's
32:44applying so one finds the intrusions of
32:46popular culture in these Jesus
32:48traditions that are being elaborated
32:51through natural processes of
32:53storytelling now we need to be aware
32:56that there are other miracle workers
32:58around at the time so just the idea of
33:01performing miracles is not in itself
33:04unique in the first century in one sense
33:08everyone including later in the century
33:09Vespasian's when he was becoming the
33:11Emperor where miracle workers if they
33:13were important enough what really was
33:16unusual about Jesus is why would God
33:19work to a Jewish peasant that would have
33:22struck the Roman imagination as
33:24unbelievable not that there would be
33:26miracles but that America's might be
33:28performed by Jewish peasant
33:34Jesus limited his circulation to the
33:38agrarian populace and his teaching was
33:41characterized by metaphors that would be
33:45readily understood by agrarian
33:47populations jesus said to his apostles
33:53give them something to eat they replied
33:56we have nothing here but five loaves and
34:00two fish and he said bring them here to
34:03me the feeding of the multitude is one
34:06of the few stories is told in all four
34:08Gospels that's a story near and dear to
34:10many people's heart Jesus goes into the
34:14galley and hillside he takes about five
34:17thousand people with him and it's there
34:20that they have a picnic even though
34:23there are no provisions made for that he
34:28multiplies five loaves and two fishes to
34:31feed this multitude of people well I
34:36don't think it takes rocket science to
34:38figure out why that kind of story
34:40is so endearing the four people I mean
34:42that's that some that's dinner in a
34:46shuttle behind the simple rustic imagery
34:51was the message of the coming kingdom of
34:54God and enigma Jesus did not attempt to
34:58simplify Jesus tells a parable about
35:01somebody who takes a mustard seed plants
35:05it in the ground and it grows up to be a
35:07great tree or a bush at least a we don't
35:11plain language now imagine an audience
35:13reacting to that presumably the kingdom
35:16is like this and they have to figure out
35:17what's it like you mean the kingdom is
35:19big but you just said it's a big weed so
35:21why don't you say a big cedar of Lebanon
35:23why a big weed and besides this muster
35:27we're not certain we like this mustard
35:29it's very dangerous in our fields we try
35:30to we try to control it we try to
35:32 contain it
35:33why do you mean the kingdom is something
35:35that the people try to control and
35:37contain every every reaction in the
35:40audience the audience fighting with
35:41themselves as a word
35:42answering back to Jesus is doing exactly
35:45what he wants it's making them think not
35:48about mustard of course but about the
35:49kingdom but the trap is that this is a
35:52very provocative even a weird image for
35:55the kingdom to say the kingdom is like a
35:57cedar of Lebanon everywhere everyone
35:58would you on say of course it's like a
36:01mustard seed what's going on here
36:15either people will tend to focus on 
36:19Jesus as some sort of social reformer or
36:24as an apocalyptic firebrand preaching a
36:28coming kingdom of God on earth and yet
36:32it must be recognized that those are
36:34very different images very different
36:36kinds of individuals and yet both are
36:39reflected within the Gospels tradition
36:44he may have preached social change he
36:47may have preached a new Kingdom on earth

 ——》To answer the questions above read the except and watch video from 50:00 -   54:20 要回答以上问题, 请阅读以下摘录, 并观 看视频51:51 -   54: 20

视频 文本 video script :
it was not a form of Jewish execution
then they brought Jesus to the place
called Golgotha which means the place of
a skull a crucifixion site was usually
near to a main road into the city it was
a warning location the uprights for the
crosses were usually left there
permanently and you have to think of
that site as not a place where people
would go regularly it's an abhorrent
site it's supposed to be a warning even
when nobody is hanging there so the idea
that would be crowds around the
crucifixion leave leave out Passover
anything like that just watching I think
most people would probably avert their
eyes and walk away because they don't
want to be on the side of the Romans who
are killing and crucifying one more
could you among the thousands who've
been crucified in the first quarter of
that century
death by crucifixion was certainly an
awful awful experience for the
persecuted individual it was slow it was
painful and it was public terror it's
not from bleeding it's not from the
wounds themselves that the death occurs
is rather a suffocation窒息)because one
can't want hold oneself up enough to
breathe properly and so over time really
it's the exposure to the elements and
the gradual loss of breath that produces
death we don't have that much detail
about the actual crucifixion of Jesus
what we have are the stories in the

51:51Gospels and they're interestingly and
51:54appropriately the Gospel writers are
51:57drawing on Psalms the Psalms that in in
52:01the Jewish canon art are often cries to
52:04God and that's their grabbing onto that
52:06literature to shape their narrative
52:09presentation of the crucifixion
52:15those requires of terror and loneliness
52:18it really appeals to God from meaning
52:25the words that are put in Jesus's mouth
52:27and more why have you forsaken me um
52:30it's the religious power of the Psalms
52:33that is really one of those wonderful
52:35moments of concrete continuity between
52:37what this this very passionately
52:40religious first century Jew might have
52:41been thinking as he was dying this
52:44horrible death on the cross and as the
52:47 finale to this week of passionate
52:49religious excitement and commitment and
52:52and asking God what happened
53:13the plaque that was nailed to the cross
53:16is one of the few clear pieces of
53:19historical evidence that we have yes oh
53:23snaa today no Rex your daughter the
53:28plaque which names him as Jesus the King
53:32of the Jews suggests that the charge on
53:35which he was executed was one of
53:37political insurrection a threat to the
53:40Pax Romana but he's also now a victim
53:44from the Fox Romano
54:10in the year 51 of the Common Era by the
54:14shores of the Aegean Sea a visitor
54:17arrived at the Greek city of Corinth his
54:20name was Paul of Tarsus

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