Saturday, November 2, 2019

Factors that Led to the Creation of Hammurabi's Code

Wikipedia entry on Babylonia 巴比倫尼亞

Please be mindful that this question is asking you why did it happen at that very time period AND why did it happen at that very place. NOT asking you when and  where AGAIN 请注意: 这个问题是问你为什么它在当时(而不是其他时期)发生, 和当地(而不是其他地方)发生

The known history of Babylon begins with its most famous king: Hammurabi (1792-1750 BCE). Hammurabi was the sixth king of Babylon. He made diplomacy, or international affairs, an important part of his administration. He was so effective at diplomacy and war that by 1755 BCE, he had united all of Mesopotamia under the rule of Babylon. At this time, Babylon was the largest city in the world. He created a powerful empire by extending Babylon's control over Mesopotamia through series of wars against neighboring kingdoms. He was an efficient ruler. He created stability after turbulent times and transformed disconnected city-states into an empire that spanned the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia. Hammurabi’s law codes are a well-known example of the many policies he implemented to maintain peace and encourage prosperity. Other policies included enlarging and heightening the walls of the city, and great public works projects such as building temples and canals. 

漢摩拉比是巴比倫的第六位國王。 他將外交或國際事務作為其管理的重要組成部分。 他在外交和戰爭方面非常有效,以至於公元前1755年,他在巴比倫的統治下團結了所有美索不達米亞。 在這個時候,巴比倫是世界上最大的城市。 他通過與鄰國的一系列戰爭擴大了巴比倫對美索不達米亞的控制,從而建立了強大的帝國。 他是一個有有效率的統治者。 在動蕩的時期之後,他創造了穩定,並將不相連的城市國家轉變成了橫跨美索不達米亞肥沃新月的帝國。 漢摩拉比的法律法規是他為維護和平和促進繁榮而實施的許多政策的一個著名例子。 其他政策包括擴大和提高城市的城牆,以及建設大型公共工程項目,例如修建寺廟和運河等。
A reconstrcted Ihstar Gate for City of Babylon 

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