Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Unit 2 Exam Review Sheet

For the Unit 2 Exam, you have to know those:
  • Paleolithic Era
  • Neolithic Revolution (What are the characteristics of it?)
  • River Valley Civilizations (You have to know all 4 of them)
  • Nile, Euphrates, Tigris, Indus, Huang He (Yellow) River
  • Nomadic lifestyle vs Permanent Settlement
  • Characteristics of civilization:Cities, specialization of labor; Religion; government; language/writing system; Technology; Social hierarchy
  • Babylonia
  • Code of Hammurabi (Think of social class, gender different; an eye for an eye)
  • Judaism
This will be the ACTUAL question on tomorrow's test (you will label Pacific Ocean twice):
7 continents: North America; South America; Africa; Europe; Asia; Australia and Antarctica
4 oceans: Pacific Ocean; Atlantic Ocean; Indian Ocean; Southern Ocean
1 sea : Mediterranean Sea

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