Tuesday, November 12, 2019

More Unit 2 Vocab and Slides on Judaism

Add the following words to Unit 2 Vocabulary, those will be collected on Thursday 请将第二单元的词汇表整理好, 星期四考试上交

Babylonian Exile (Captivity)
(597-539 BCE) the period of time when Babylonian Empire, led by King
 Nebuchadnezzar II, conquered Judah and ordered all Jewish people 
to leave Jerusalem and live in captivity in Babylon.
the idea that something is true or that it exists
behavior; the way a person acts
covenant (the)
A formal agreement between two or more people;
in the Torah The Covenant refers to an agreement between 
God and the Ancient Israelites
ethical/moral code
the rules that beliefs systems set for their followers that lead to 
a “good;” life or rewards in the afterlife
the world's oldest monotheistic religion which was the basis for both 
Christianity and Islam; Jewish people follow the Ten Commandments
the belief in one god
the belief in more than one god

Ten Commandments

the moral code of Judaism and Christianity that according 
to the Torah was given to Moses by God

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