Friday, April 3, 2020
The Met 360° Project: Arms and Armor Galleries 大都会360度计划:武器与盔甲展厅
gallery website 展厅网址
Monday, March 30, 2020
About not being able to join EdPuzzle using FLHS accounts
Hi class,
It seems that FLHS teacher account has some sort of restriction on EDPuzzle that wouldn't allow flhs account to join EdPuzzle. I will talk to Social Studies AP when we meet this afternoon to see if our school can lift this restriction. If not, I might have to re-create another set of classes for you guys to join using non-flhs accounts. I won't be entering those EdPuzzle grades until this is solved. So sorry for the inconvenience. 看起来FLHS的教师帐户对EDPuzzle有某些限制,不允许学生flhs帐户加入EdPuzzle。 今天下午见面时,我将与社会研究AP进行交谈,以了解我们的学校是否可以解除这一限制。 如果没有,我可能必须重新创建另一组类供你们使用非flhs帐户加入。 在解决此问题之前,我不会登入那些EdPuzzle成绩。不便之处,敬请原谅。
Thank you for your understanding!
Mr. Shi
It seems that FLHS teacher account has some sort of restriction on EDPuzzle that wouldn't allow flhs account to join EdPuzzle. I will talk to Social Studies AP when we meet this afternoon to see if our school can lift this restriction. If not, I might have to re-create another set of classes for you guys to join using non-flhs accounts. I won't be entering those EdPuzzle grades until this is solved. So sorry for the inconvenience. 看起来FLHS的教师帐户对EDPuzzle有某些限制,不允许学生flhs帐户加入EdPuzzle。 今天下午见面时,我将与社会研究AP进行交谈,以了解我们的学校是否可以解除这一限制。 如果没有,我可能必须重新创建另一组类供你们使用非flhs帐户加入。 在解决此问题之前,我不会登入那些EdPuzzle成绩。不便之处,敬请原谅。
Thank you for your understanding!
Mr. Shi
Sunday, March 29, 2020
How to Submit your progress 怎样提交你的 截图
Step 4: Upload the screenshot you took, and upload to Google Classroom; 将截图上传到google classroom 的 vocabulary assignment (due April 2nd 11:59 pm)
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Class Participation Grade : Participation on
Hi All,
Hope you have all joined vocabulary at this point. If you haven't, please go to the Google Classroom link to join (register an account if you don't have one, make sure to use your real name!)
Starting next week, I will use your participation on as your class participation grade.
Your goal by April 2nd is to have answered 100 questions! 你的任务是四月二号之前要在上面回答100个问题 (I can see how many you answered)
Extra credits will be awarded to Top 5 students in points and # of questions answers.
If your are not too sure, a menu of 3 options will appear at the bottom,
1) 50/50 will eliminate 2 answers for you;
2) Words in the Wild gives the word context;
3) and last gives you definition.
You would also need to know the spelling for 2nd round.
I will post the Chinese translation of those words here tomorrow.
Hope you have all joined vocabulary at this point. If you haven't, please go to the Google Classroom link to join (register an account if you don't have one, make sure to use your real name!)
Starting next week, I will use your participation on as your class participation grade.
Your goal by April 2nd is to have answered 100 questions! 你的任务是四月二号之前要在上面回答100个问题 (I can see how many you answered)
Extra credits will be awarded to Top 5 students in points and # of questions answers.
This is what a typical practice looks like.
If your are not too sure, a menu of 3 options will appear at the bottom,
1) 50/50 will eliminate 2 answers for you;
2) Words in the Wild gives the word context;
3) and last gives you definition.
You would also need to know the spelling for 2nd round.
I will post the Chinese translation of those words here tomorrow.
Mr. Shi is Going Live Tomorrow ! - Global 9 Weekly Office Hour: Friday, 12:30-1:45 P.M.
- Starting tomorrow, Mr . Shi will be live on ZOOM for Global 9's Weekly Office Hour:
- every Friday,12:30-1:45 p.m. (this will be a weekly thing starting tomorrow, attendance is voluntary)
- *** I will post a link to the recorded session uploaded to YouTube so anybody who cannot make it can watch the video (it will be unlisted on YouTube so it is NOT published to the public! I will like take down the video after 1 week.
- ***明天的 office hour 完了以后我会将录下来的session 上传到YouTube 上 (unlisted, 所以只有有链接的人才看得到)这样时间上有冲突的同学也可以看。 我很可能会在一周以后将video 删除。
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
2nd Classwork: What were the effects of the Crusades? 十字军东征的影响是什么?(Due Sunday, 11:59 PM)
Monday, March 23, 2020
Google Classrom EdPuzzle HW: Crusades Video 1 and 2 (1 attempt only, Due Wednesday AND Thursday, 11:59 pm)
Hi Class please go to Google Classroom and complete this assignment. Any video assingment will be utilizing this website EdPuzzle. I can track how much time you spend on this and how many questions you have answered correctly. 今后所有看video 的任务都会出现在这个网站上。 网站可以track 是否有全程看, 跟回答对的题数。 请认真观看!
One attempt only on those questions! Please answer carefully!
只有一次机会回答这些问题, 请认真回答!
One attempt only on those questions! Please answer carefully!
只有一次机会回答这些问题, 请认真回答!
1st Google Classroom Homework: Crusades 十字军东征 (Due Wednesday 11:59 p.m.)
Please read the textbook Chapter 14 from page 376-385 and answer the following on a Google Doc or on a piece of loose leaf paper and take a picture of it and submit to Google Classroom. 请阅读 课本十四章 376-385 页数, 然后用一到两个句子解释以下词汇的历史重要性。 可以直接用Google Doc 或者在一张纸上写, 然后拍张照片提交到Google Classroom.
same rule goes for online learning:if I see two HWs with exact same answers, BOTH of you will receive 0. 远程教学功课的规定是一样的, 如果有两位同学的答案是一模一样的, 则两人都会拿到0分。
I will be entering your attendance on Wednesday. If you don't have a post here or on Google Classroom by Wednesday 11:59 p.m., you will be marked absent.
same rule goes for online learning:if I see two HWs with exact same answers, BOTH of you will receive 0. 远程教学功课的规定是一样的, 如果有两位同学的答案是一模一样的, 则两人都会拿到0分。
I will be entering your attendance on Wednesday. If you don't have a post here or on Google Classroom by Wednesday 11:59 p.m., you will be marked absent.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
1st Classwork : Causes and Motivations of the Crusades (Due Wednesday 11:59 p.m.)
We will NOT be having zoom meeting tomorrow! 明天没有zoom 线上课!
In this assignment, please use length of 4-5 lines to write in the a response to the prompt by establishing your claim and supporting your claim by citing evidence. For example, in A Hostile view of the Crusades ....Please cite at least 1 evidence either from the document or from outside source! 请提出至少一个文件中(或外面找到)的证据!
And then use length of 3-4 lines to reply to one of your classmates if you agree or disagree and why. I do have 4 classes, it does NOT have to be someone from your class!
Please answer this prompt questions, and think of the supporting questions when you answer.
In this assignment, please use length of 4-5 lines to write in the a response to the prompt by establishing your claim and supporting your claim by citing evidence. For example, in A Hostile view of the Crusades ....Please cite at least 1 evidence either from the document or from outside source! 请提出至少一个文件中(或外面找到)的证据!
And then use length of 3-4 lines to reply to one of your classmates if you agree or disagree and why. I do have 4 classes, it does NOT have to be someone from your class!
请在下方评论处用 4-5 行的长度 提出你的 claim 然后提出文件中的证据支持你的claim。然后用 3-4 行的长度 回应一位同学表示 你赞成或反对, 为什么?老师有四个班, 所以不一定要是你的同班同学。
Please use your full name to answer below, nicknames will result in grade of 0,请确保你的账号用的是你的全名, 用昵称分数是0
Please submit your answers by Wednesday midnight. Same late policy goes for online replies. If you submit answer 1 day late, your grade will be 90%, 2 days: 80%.
*there is no maximum words limits, but please make sure you reach the minimum requirement 没有最高的字数限制, 但是请确保达到最低要求。
____________________________________________________________________________Please use your full name to answer below, nicknames will result in grade of 0,请确保你的账号用的是你的全名, 用昵称分数是0
Please submit your answers by Wednesday midnight. Same late policy goes for online replies. If you submit answer 1 day late, your grade will be 90%, 2 days: 80%.
*there is no maximum words limits, but please make sure you reach the minimum requirement 没有最高的字数限制, 但是请确保达到最低要求。
Please answer this prompt questions, and think of the supporting questions when you answer.
Were Western Europeans
motivated more by religious or economic reasons to fight in
the Crusades?
—■In what ways may trade have been a cause of the Crusades?
—■In what ways was Constantinople or other Christian areas in the east a cause of the Crusades?
—■Do you believe the Crusades were mostly fought for religious reasons? Why or why not?
—■Some of today’s documents were from earlier periods of the Crusades, and some were from later periods. Was there a change in what motivated the Crusaders over time? If so, what was it?
The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period, especially the campaigns between 1096 and 1271 in the Eastern Mediterranean aimed at recovering the Holy Land from Islamic rule. The term "Crusades" has also been applied to other church-sanctioned campaigns fought to combat paganism and heresy, to resolve conflict among rival Roman Catholic groups, or to gain political or territorial advantage. Crusades differed from other religious conflicts in that participants considered them a penitential exercise that brought absolution. Historians contest the definition of the term "crusade" with some restricting it to armed pilgrimages to Jerusalem; others including all Catholic military campaigns with a promise of spiritual benefits; all Catholic holy wars; or those with characteristic religious fervour.In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. He encouraged military support for the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I against the Seljuk Turks and an armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem. There was an enthusiastic response in western Europe across all social strata. Historians debate the combination of motivations of the volunteers who took a public vow to join the crusade—the prospect of mass ascension into Heaven at Jerusalem, satisfying feudal obligations, opportunities for renown, and economic and political advantage are all considered. Four Crusader states were established in the Near East: the County of Edessa; the Principality of Antioch; the Kingdom of Jerusalem; and the County of Tripoli. A crusader presence remained in the region in some form until Acre, the last mainland outpost, fell in 1291, after which there were no further crusades to recover the Holy Land.The Reconquista, the struggle between the Christians and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, was proclaimed a crusade in 1123 and ended with the fall of Emirate of Granada in 1492. The Northern Crusades that brought the pagan tribes of north-eastern Europe under Christian control were considered crusades from 1147. In 1199 Pope Innocent III began the practice of proclaiming political crusades against disobedient Christian rulers. In Languedoc from 1208, crusading was used against heretics; this continued in Savoy and Bohemia in the 15th century and against Protestants in the 16th century. Crusading was used in response to the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the mid-14th century, only ending with the War of the Holy League in 1699十字軍東征(拉丁語:Cruciata;伊斯兰世界稱為法蘭克人入侵;1096年-1291年)。這是一系列在罗马天主教教皇的准許下的戰役,由西欧的封建領主和骑士对他們認為是異教徒的国家(地中海东岸)发动持续近200年的宗教战争。十字軍東征最初參與成員,例如:騎士、商人、農民,多數是自願的,受拜占庭帝國之邀,參與奪回聖地戰爭。這些十字軍也非拜占庭帝國主力部隊。东正教徒也参加其中幾次十字军。参加这场战争的士兵配有十字标志,因此称为十字军[中 1]。十字军主要是罗马天主教势力对穆斯林統治的西亞地区作佔領并建了一些基督教国家,因而也被形象的比喻为“十字架反对弓月”;但也涉及对“基督教异端”、其他异教徒和对其他天主教会及封建领主的“敌对势力”[註 1]的征服,如第四次十字軍東征将矛头指向了東正教的拜占庭帝國。[外 1][外 2]天主教徒相信,十字军的最初目的是收复被穆斯林统治的圣地耶路撒冷。当塞尔柱土耳其的穆斯林與基督教的拜占庭帝国在安纳托利亚对戰並取得军事胜利後,十字军的战役为响应拜占廷的求助而被点燃了。旷日持久的战役断断续续在黎凡特地区展开,[註 2]战争中敌友双方界线不完全是按宗教划定,例如第五次东征时基督徒们与罗姆苏丹国结盟。[外 1]十字军雖然以捍衛宗教、解放聖地為口號,但實際上是以政治、社會與經濟等目的為主,伴随着一定程度上的劫掠,参加东征的各个集团都有自己的目的,甚至在1204年的第四次十字軍東征劫掠了天主教兄弟東正教拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡。所以,美国学者朱迪斯·M·本内特在他的著作《欧洲中世纪史》裏写道,「十字军远征聚合了当时的三大时代热潮:宗教、战争和贪慾」[外 3]。 到1291年,基督教世界在叙利亚海岸最后一个桥头堡——阿卡被攻陷,十字军国家的命运告终。十字军东征對西方基督教世界造成了深远的社会、经济和政治影响,其中有些痕跡至今尚存。
—■In what ways may trade have been a cause of the Crusades?
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Conquest of Constantinople By The Crusaders In 1204 十字军与1204年攻陷拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡 |
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Learning Going Forward (This is final, I promise!)
The learning going forward will involve mainly two weekly assignments
posted on Google Blogger we have been using so far.The 2 assignments
require you to post comments/thoughts on the reading materials and
replying to others' thoughts. I will join the panel discussion if I see
fit. These two assignments will be graded as "Classwork".
Any supplemental assignments such as HW, essays, or projects will be posted on Google Classroom . Please join as soon as possible if you have not done so!
Any supplemental assignments such as HW, essays, or projects will be posted on Google Classroom . Please join as soon as possible if you have not done so!
Friday, March 20, 2020
Art History Podcast and Playlist to Get You Through Extented Period of Qurantine
Hi Class,
If you are bored and feeling maybe a little bit stressed out, getting to know to know art history is a good way to combat those feelings. There are two great resources to get you though this extended period of time at home (one in Chinese and the other in English)
1) FIRST is BBC's Radio 4'spodcast series called "A History of the World in 100 Objects". They offer their interpretation of history in different regions of the world though 100 objects in British Museum's collection. Each episode is about 15-minutes long and it is accompanied by the image of the object as well as the radio transcript on their site.
You can also buy this book on Amazon
Sample episode: Double-headed Serpent (双头蛇)
You can also download this podcast on your phone!
2)This is only if you understand Chinese :Jiang Xun's History of Chinese Art from Paleolithic Era to Song Dynasty 《殷瑗小聚》中國美術史--石器時代 (蔣勳) : 请在youtube 打开以下视频, 右边会有整个播放清单的列表:
If you are bored and feeling maybe a little bit stressed out, getting to know to know art history is a good way to combat those feelings. There are two great resources to get you though this extended period of time at home (one in Chinese and the other in English)
1) FIRST is BBC's Radio 4'spodcast series called "A History of the World in 100 Objects". They offer their interpretation of history in different regions of the world though 100 objects in British Museum's collection. Each episode is about 15-minutes long and it is accompanied by the image of the object as well as the radio transcript on their site.
You can also buy this book on Amazon
Sample episode: Double-headed Serpent (双头蛇)
You can also download this podcast on your phone!
2)This is only if you understand Chinese :Jiang Xun's History of Chinese Art from Paleolithic Era to Song Dynasty 《殷瑗小聚》中國美術史--石器時代 (蔣勳) : 请在youtube 打开以下视频, 右边会有整个播放清单的列表:
Update: We ARE NOT having a Fixed Schedule 下礼拜将不会有固定时间的课
I just attended a meeting with the principal. Basically, we will NOT be having a SET schedule next week as I have been telling you.
I will be sending out more updates over the weekend about how we should move forward with the learning.
Stay tuned and stay safe!
I will be sending out more updates over the weekend about how we should move forward with the learning.
Stay tuned and stay safe!
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Please Watch: Zoom Tutorial
Our school will soon reach out to your with more information on your schedule, platforms your teachers will be using and many more. Starting next week, we will meet twice a week, each lasting for 45 minutes using Zoom. You can sign up (注册)using the link provided. PLEASE use your full name (no nicknames请使用真名, 如果你使用的不是真名, 成绩将不会被登记), otherwise, you will be marked absent.
Supplemental materials and assignments will be posted on Google Classroom, please join using
3rd Period: jqf2m4d
5th Period: xqe33uz
8th Period: 4qox2e3
10th Period: kxwfly6
The schedule is as follows:
That means if you are Period 3, you are on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:50-10:35am. TWICE a week! 一周上两堂网课!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Update: Google Classroom Codes (如果你使用的不是真名, 成绩将不会被登记)
Hi Class,
For the online classes next week, we will be using Zoom (the video conferencing tool, that means you have to physically sit in front of a computer as we conduct the lesson). I will be posting assignments and other supplements mainly on Google Classroom. So please, find your class and join the Google Classroom using the right code.
(For those of you who joined in the beginning of the semester, you are all set, you don't have to do it again as it is the same code)
Mr. Shi's Global 9 Google Classroom codes (PLEASE USE YOUR EMAIL)
Please DO NOT USE nicknames, but FULL NAME at it appears on PupilPath (如果你使用的不是真名, 成绩将不会被登记)
3rd Period: jqf2m4d
5th Period: xqe33uz
8th Period: 4qox2e3
10th Period: kxwfly6
Please join ASAP.
I will send out more updates tomorrow.
For the online classes next week, we will be using Zoom (the video conferencing tool, that means you have to physically sit in front of a computer as we conduct the lesson). I will be posting assignments and other supplements mainly on Google Classroom. So please, find your class and join the Google Classroom using the right code.
(For those of you who joined in the beginning of the semester, you are all set, you don't have to do it again as it is the same code)
Mr. Shi's Global 9 Google Classroom codes (PLEASE USE YOUR EMAIL)
Please DO NOT USE nicknames, but FULL NAME at it appears on PupilPath (如果你使用的不是真名, 成绩将不会被登记)
3rd Period: jqf2m4d
5th Period: xqe33uz
8th Period: 4qox2e3
10th Period: kxwfly6
Please join ASAP.
I will send out more updates tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Online Classes to Start Monday 03/23-Stay tuned for more Updates
Hi Class,
We teachers just reported back to school today to receive training on remote learning. Much is still to be determined for what platform in the next two days. However, we do know that all online classes will start on Monday, 03/23/2020. School is still in process of figuring out your schedule. So please stay tuned,
Mr. Shi
We teachers just reported back to school today to receive training on remote learning. Much is still to be determined for what platform in the next two days. However, we do know that all online classes will start on Monday, 03/23/2020. School is still in process of figuring out your schedule. So please stay tuned,
Mr. Shi
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Update on What to do Going Forward
Hi Class,
As you may have heard, New York City Department of Education has just announced that students will be be in attendance starting tomorrow until April 20th. We teachers are instructed to report back to school on Tuesday to get training on distant leaning. As much is very much unknown at this point, I will definitely not post ANY assignment here until Tuesday night. Please check back Tuesdays evening for more upgrade.
Hope you all get a good rest tomorrow. Remember to practice social distancing and exercise caution if you need to be out for any reason.
Best Regards,
Mr. Shi
As you may have heard, New York City Department of Education has just announced that students will be be in attendance starting tomorrow until April 20th. We teachers are instructed to report back to school on Tuesday to get training on distant leaning. As much is very much unknown at this point, I will definitely not post ANY assignment here until Tuesday night. Please check back Tuesdays evening for more upgrade.
Hope you all get a good rest tomorrow. Remember to practice social distancing and exercise caution if you need to be out for any reason.
Best Regards,
Mr. Shi
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Sample Annotations on Guzman Article
Note: sample annotations means this is only ONE of the ways to do it. This IS NOT the standard answer! 注意: 示范的annotation 表示, 这只是其中一种做法。 这并不是标准的答案。你可以对文章其他内容作出自己的评论, 或者相同的地方作不同的评论。
The text in red is about the content of the article. blue is on the function it served in marking argument (what does this sentence do in this argument essay? Is it intro, thesis, evidence, reasoning, or conclusion? 用红色的字体是对内容作的annotation, 蓝色的部分是解析立论方法/分析议论文结构的句子。
The Pax Mongolica (Latin for "Mongol Peace"), less often known as Pax Tatarica ("Tatar Peace"), is a historiographical term modelled after the original phrase Pax Romana which describes the stabilizing effects of the conquests of the Mongol Empire on the social, cultural and economic life of the inhabitants of the vast Eurasian territory that the Mongols conquered in the 13th and 14th centuries. The term is used to describe the eased communication and commerce (便捷的通讯和商业) the unified administration (统一的行政)helped to create and the period of relative peace (相对和平, 注意, 不是绝对和平)that followed the Mongols' vast conquests.
The text in red is about the content of the article. blue is on the function it served in marking argument (what does this sentence do in this argument essay? Is it intro, thesis, evidence, reasoning, or conclusion? 用红色的字体是对内容作的annotation, 蓝色的部分是解析立论方法/分析议论文结构的句子。
The Pax Mongolica (Latin for "Mongol Peace"), less often known as Pax Tatarica ("Tatar Peace"), is a historiographical term modelled after the original phrase Pax Romana which describes the stabilizing effects of the conquests of the Mongol Empire on the social, cultural and economic life of the inhabitants of the vast Eurasian territory that the Mongols conquered in the 13th and 14th centuries. The term is used to describe the eased communication and commerce (便捷的通讯和商业) the unified administration (统一的行政)helped to create and the period of relative peace (相对和平, 注意, 不是绝对和平)that followed the Mongols' vast conquests.
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