Friday, March 20, 2020

Art History Podcast and Playlist to Get You Through Extented Period of Qurantine

Hi Class,

If you are bored and feeling maybe a little bit stressed out, getting to know to know art history is a good way to combat those feelings. There are two great resources to get you though this extended period of time at home (one in Chinese and the other in English)

1) FIRST is BBC's Radio 4'spodcast series called "A History of the World in 100 Objects".  They offer their interpretation of history in different regions of the world though 100 objects in British Museum's collection. Each episode is about 15-minutes long and it is accompanied by the image of the object as well as the radio transcript on their site.
You can also buy this book on Amazon
Sample episode: Double-headed Serpent (双头蛇)
You can also download this podcast on your phone!

2)This is only if you understand Chinese :Jiang Xun's History of Chinese Art from Paleolithic Era to Song Dynasty 《殷瑗小聚》中國美術史--石器時代 (蔣勳) : 请在youtube 打开以下视频, 右边会有整个播放清单的列表:

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