Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Sample Annotations on Guzman Article

Note: sample annotations means this is only ONE of the ways to do it. This IS NOT the standard answer! 注意: 示范的annotation 表示, 这只是其中一种做法。 这并不是标准的答案。你可以对文章其他内容作出自己的评论, 或者相同的地方作不同的评论。

The text in red is about the content of the article. blue is on the function it served in marking argument (what does this sentence do in this argument essay? Is it intro, thesis, evidence, reasoning, or conclusion? 用红色的字体是对内容作的annotation, 蓝色的部分是解析立论方法/分析议论文结构的句子。

The Pax Mongolica (Latin for "Mongol Peace"), less often known as Pax Tatarica ("Tatar Peace"), is a historiographical term modelled after the original phrase Pax Romana which describes the stabilizing effects of the conquests of the Mongol Empire on the social, cultural and economic life of the inhabitants of the vast Eurasian territory that the Mongols conquered in the 13th and 14th centuries. The term is used to describe the eased communication and commerce (便捷的通讯和商业) the unified administration (统一的行政)helped to create and the period of relative peace (相对和平, 注意, 不是绝对和平)that followed the Mongols' vast conquests.

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