In this assignment, please use length of 4-5 lines to write in the a response to the prompt by establishing your claim and supporting your claim by citing evidence. For example, in A Hostile view of the Crusades ....Please cite at least 1 evidence either from the document or from outside source! 请提出至少一个文件中(或外面找到)的证据!
And then use length of 3-4 lines to reply to one of your classmates if you agree or disagree and why. I do have 4 classes, it does NOT have to be someone from your class!
请在下方评论处用 4-5 行的长度 提出你的 claim 然后提出文件中的证据支持你的claim。然后用 3-4 行的长度 回应一位同学表示 你赞成或反对, 为什么?老师有四个班, 所以不一定要是你的同班同学。
Please use your full name to answer below, nicknames will result in grade of 0,请确保你的账号用的是你的全名, 用昵称分数是0
Please submit your answers by Wednesday midnight. Same late policy goes for online replies. If you submit answer 1 day late, your grade will be 90%, 2 days: 80%.
*there is no maximum words limits, but please make sure you reach the minimum requirement 没有最高的字数限制, 但是请确保达到最低要求。
____________________________________________________________________________Please use your full name to answer below, nicknames will result in grade of 0,请确保你的账号用的是你的全名, 用昵称分数是0
Please submit your answers by Wednesday midnight. Same late policy goes for online replies. If you submit answer 1 day late, your grade will be 90%, 2 days: 80%.
*there is no maximum words limits, but please make sure you reach the minimum requirement 没有最高的字数限制, 但是请确保达到最低要求。
Please answer this prompt questions, and think of the supporting questions when you answer.
Were Western Europeans
motivated more by religious or economic reasons to fight in
the Crusades?
—■In what ways may trade have been a cause of the Crusades?
—■In what ways was Constantinople or other Christian areas in the east a cause of the Crusades?
—■Do you believe the Crusades were mostly fought for religious reasons? Why or why not?
—■Some of today’s documents were from earlier periods of the Crusades, and some were from later periods. Was there a change in what motivated the Crusaders over time? If so, what was it?
The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported and sometimes directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period, especially the campaigns between 1096 and 1271 in the Eastern Mediterranean aimed at recovering the Holy Land from Islamic rule. The term "Crusades" has also been applied to other church-sanctioned campaigns fought to combat paganism and heresy, to resolve conflict among rival Roman Catholic groups, or to gain political or territorial advantage. Crusades differed from other religious conflicts in that participants considered them a penitential exercise that brought absolution. Historians contest the definition of the term "crusade" with some restricting it to armed pilgrimages to Jerusalem; others including all Catholic military campaigns with a promise of spiritual benefits; all Catholic holy wars; or those with characteristic religious fervour.In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. He encouraged military support for the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I against the Seljuk Turks and an armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem. There was an enthusiastic response in western Europe across all social strata. Historians debate the combination of motivations of the volunteers who took a public vow to join the crusade—the prospect of mass ascension into Heaven at Jerusalem, satisfying feudal obligations, opportunities for renown, and economic and political advantage are all considered. Four Crusader states were established in the Near East: the County of Edessa; the Principality of Antioch; the Kingdom of Jerusalem; and the County of Tripoli. A crusader presence remained in the region in some form until Acre, the last mainland outpost, fell in 1291, after which there were no further crusades to recover the Holy Land.The Reconquista, the struggle between the Christians and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, was proclaimed a crusade in 1123 and ended with the fall of Emirate of Granada in 1492. The Northern Crusades that brought the pagan tribes of north-eastern Europe under Christian control were considered crusades from 1147. In 1199 Pope Innocent III began the practice of proclaiming political crusades against disobedient Christian rulers. In Languedoc from 1208, crusading was used against heretics; this continued in Savoy and Bohemia in the 15th century and against Protestants in the 16th century. Crusading was used in response to the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the mid-14th century, only ending with the War of the Holy League in 1699十字軍東征(拉丁語:Cruciata;伊斯兰世界稱為法蘭克人入侵;1096年-1291年)。這是一系列在罗马天主教教皇的准許下的戰役,由西欧的封建領主和骑士对他們認為是異教徒的国家(地中海东岸)发动持续近200年的宗教战争。十字軍東征最初參與成員,例如:騎士、商人、農民,多數是自願的,受拜占庭帝國之邀,參與奪回聖地戰爭。這些十字軍也非拜占庭帝國主力部隊。东正教徒也参加其中幾次十字军。参加这场战争的士兵配有十字标志,因此称为十字军[中 1]。十字军主要是罗马天主教势力对穆斯林統治的西亞地区作佔領并建了一些基督教国家,因而也被形象的比喻为“十字架反对弓月”;但也涉及对“基督教异端”、其他异教徒和对其他天主教会及封建领主的“敌对势力”[註 1]的征服,如第四次十字軍東征将矛头指向了東正教的拜占庭帝國。[外 1][外 2]天主教徒相信,十字军的最初目的是收复被穆斯林统治的圣地耶路撒冷。当塞尔柱土耳其的穆斯林與基督教的拜占庭帝国在安纳托利亚对戰並取得军事胜利後,十字军的战役为响应拜占廷的求助而被点燃了。旷日持久的战役断断续续在黎凡特地区展开,[註 2]战争中敌友双方界线不完全是按宗教划定,例如第五次东征时基督徒们与罗姆苏丹国结盟。[外 1]十字军雖然以捍衛宗教、解放聖地為口號,但實際上是以政治、社會與經濟等目的為主,伴随着一定程度上的劫掠,参加东征的各个集团都有自己的目的,甚至在1204年的第四次十字軍東征劫掠了天主教兄弟東正教拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡。所以,美国学者朱迪斯·M·本内特在他的著作《欧洲中世纪史》裏写道,「十字军远征聚合了当时的三大时代热潮:宗教、战争和贪慾」[外 3]。 到1291年,基督教世界在叙利亚海岸最后一个桥头堡——阿卡被攻陷,十字军国家的命运告终。十字军东征對西方基督教世界造成了深远的社会、经济和政治影响,其中有些痕跡至今尚存。
—■In what ways may trade have been a cause of the Crusades?
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Conquest of Constantinople By The Crusaders In 1204 十字军与1204年攻陷拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡 |
明天的zoom课 id和密码是多少
DeleteZixuan Zheng PD3
ReplyDeleteWestern Europeans were motivated more by religious reason to fight in the Crusades.The purpose of this war is to recover the holy land from Islamic control. Recovering the holy land can consolidate religion.Then arms began the Crusades to target Muslims.Persians plundered property and burned their land. Part of the people were taken prisoner and some were cruelly injured by torture. They destroyed the Church of God.Pope Urban strongly influenced the wishes of all those present, so much so that they cried out, "It is the will of God."People have repeatedly referred to this as "the will of God", which shows how much they care about religious belief, so they can also launch the Crusade war because of religious belief.
Do you think that Pope Urban II might have seen this as a chance to strengthen his secular authority over monarchs of Western Europe as when "Pope Urban II's Calls for Crusades" was delivered in 1095, it was at the height of investiture controversy, argument between popes and kings over who get to appoint bishops(对于是教皇还是国王来任免主教的争议).
Delete翻译:您是否认为,教皇乌尔班二世可能是借此机会加强他对西欧君主的世俗权威,1095年发表的《教皇乌尔班二世的十字军东征召唤》时,正是在教皇和国王任命主教问题争论最激烈的时候。***现在梵蒂冈与中国建交谈判的症结点也在这个上面, 也就是到底是应该由教宗还是中国政府来任命中国教区的主教。
DeleteI agree with you because that time, religious is control more power than the secular and a lot people believe that so use religious can motivated more people and their target is Jerusalem if is for secular can change targe to some more rich and easiler place .
Delete西欧人更多的是处于宗教的动机和目的参加的十字军东征,因为他们最开始的目的是为了从伊斯兰教手中夺回耶路撒冷并且帮助拜占庭帝国打退穆斯林的入侵,所以发动了十字军东征。十字军东征了不止一次,第一次和第二次都夺下了耶路撒冷,但第三次虽失败了但也没放弃,第四次虽说没到耶路撒冷而是劫掠了君士坦丁堡但目的也是为攻下耶路撒冷而出发的。而耶路撒冷是基督教的圣城,拜占庭是信基督教的,这都说明了他们是以宗教为原动力发起的东征。在教皇乌尔班二世的讲话中这样说道 “it has either entirely destroyed the churches of God or appropriated them for the rites of its own religion... On whom therefore is the labor of avenging these wrongs and of recovering this territory incumbent, if not upon you? You, upon whom above other” 他告诉众人拿回耶路撒冷是为了帮助上帝报仇,是上帝的旨意,人们因此加入十字军。所以他们参加十字军东征更多是出于宗教的原因。
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. The Crusade was to reclaim the holy land, and Pope Urban II told people that the Crusade was God's will, so more people joined the war, so Western Europeans should launch the Crusade more for the sake of religion.
Delete“而耶路撒冷是基督教的圣城,拜占庭是信基督教的”。 那去攻打 “自己人” 基督徒控制的君士坦丁堡, 不是佐证了他们去东方只是为了掠夺钱财的经济目的吗?
Delete十字军除了跟穆斯林作战以外, 也跟heretics-异端 作战。十三世纪西欧的Inquisition 异端审判就是对这些异端的迫害。 当时的西欧人认为的heretics 异端一般是指西欧天主教里面 “非主流” 的教派(幻影說, 嗣子說, 亞流主義, 亚玻里拿留派, 神格唯一論, 基督一性論, 基督一志論, 孟他努主義, 聶斯托利派, 歐迪奇主義, 諾斯底主義, 伯拉糾主義, 半伯拉糾主義, 聖父受苦說)。 东方正教会没有被天主教教徒认为是heresy-异端。当然他们也不是西欧人眼中的 “异教”。但是, 1204十字军攻陷君士坦丁堡确实是发生在 基督教1054年东西大分裂之后, 所以, 有可能是宗教的动机驱使的。
DeleteI agree with you, people who Join crusade put red cross on their tunic, It shows that instead of economic reasons,the purpose of crusade is more about religious.
DeleteDo you think if they had economic motivations they would have put money sign "$" on their chest?
Delete我觉得她的说法是不完全对的,因为刚开始时他们组织参加十字军确实是为了捍卫宗教,收复圣地。但是后来他们的种种行为就像“披着人皮的狼”。后来的十字军打着捍卫宗教的幌子,去为自己争夺经济,政治和社会。他们的目的已经不像最开始那样仅仅是为了宗教,他们有了野心。(Shuimei Cheng)
Delete我同意yanlei chen的观点,因为十字军东征的最初目的是为了收复失地,夺回耶路撒冷其次的目的是排除义教。
Delete我认为更多可能是宗教原因,因为是“朝圣”驱使十字军东征的,John Green said “the Crusades were not primarily military operations, they were pilgrimages.” 他们的出发点是始于宗教,都是为了打下耶路撒冷。Richard想征服埃及的出发点是打下耶路撒冷,帮助威尼斯人占领叛乱的Zara是为了去Anatolia。所以我认为十字军东征是宗教引起的
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, regardless of whether the purpose of the Crusades is gradually changing, from the first rise of the Crusades, I think their first purpose is to recapture the Holy City. Religious reasons were explained even during the Crusades' journey to other religions.
DeleteZongrun Liang
Delete我同意,参加十字军的都是为了收复耶路撒冷,而之所以要去,就是宗教理由,耶路撒冷对基督徒来说是圣地,去朝圣也是宗教原因。“will of god”,排除异教徒,乱杀伊斯兰教徒,还有你说的攻打埃及也是为了抢耶路撒冷也是证据,这些证据证明了宗教原因多。嗯
DeleteWestern Europe motivated more by religious conditions to fight in the crusades. In the text,Pope Urban Ⅱ concluded his presentation by saying that"This is the will of God!This is the will of God!" Its shows they fight in the crusades for God. It also says "who were kindled by love of the divine " lord majesty to fight earnestly and even to shed their blood for the holy of holies”
ReplyDeleteThese evidence shows that Western Europe were motived by religious reasons.
DeleteI think religion was the main reason for the Crusades, because people were superstitious at that time, and the religious credit was in a prosperous period. From "the first members of the Crusades, such as knights, merchants, and peasants, were mostly volatile." we can see that the influence of the holy city is very great, and from "but it also involves the request of" Christian heresy ", other heretics and" host forces "against other Catholic churches and federal explorers, such as the Fourth Crusade, which targeted the orthox Byzantine Empire. "It shows that they launched attacks on different religions during the expedition. So it should be religious.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with you because if the purpose of crusades was to conquer Jerusalem, they shouldn't be targeting the Orthodox Byzantine empire. The Orthodox Eastern church was never the object of attack during the pilgrimage and religious reject was not a possible explanation of the invasion of Constantinople.
DeleteYongtong, that you were right! The 1st Crusade would not have started had Byzantine emperor Alexios I not asked the Pope for help in fending off the aggression of the Muslim Seljuk Turks.-如果不是拜占庭皇帝阿里塞克一世向西方求援以反击穆斯林的塞尔柱突厥人, 也不会引发第一次十字军东征。
DeleteLanxin Lin PD8
Delete我认为他们战争的原因是对异教的排斥,视频中也讲述了十字军战争的次数,一共有4次也说了他们乱杀异教者.所以我认为十字军主要是罗马天主教势力对穆斯林統治的西亞地区作佔領并建了一些基督教国家,因而也被形象的比喻为“十字架反对弓月”;但也涉及对“基督教异端”、其他异教徒和对其他天主教会及封建领主的“敌对势力”的征服,如第四次十字軍東征将矛头指向了東正教的拜占庭帝國。 天主教徒相信,十字军的最初目的是收复被穆斯林统治的圣地耶路撒冷.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe Western Europeans were motivated more by religious reasons to fight in the Crusades. In the beginning, the Jerusalem of Catholic Holy Land fell into the hands of Muslins, and to regain control, Pope Urban II launched a Crusade. Also they were against heretics, such as attacking crusade Constantinople of Byzantine on the fourth time, because byzantine believed in the Orthodox Church. According to the Popo Urban II Calls for the Crusades:“has not entrusted its spirit to God, has invaded the lands of those Christians and has depopulated them by the sword…it has either destroyed the churches of God or appropriated them for the rites of its religion.” Christians believe that the sacred church has been destroyed by Muslims and heretics. God needs help, and the pope is trying to convince them to go for crusade, they have to rescue the suffering god, god give them instruction, telling them what to do. So, their participation in the Crusades was more for religious reasons.
Delete我认为主要是宗教原因,因为从视频中的一分三十秒处和Pope Urban||calls for the crusades中的" the Byzantine empire came under increasing pressure from the Muslim...made a pleato Pepo Urban."可以看出原本和谐相处的穆斯林和基督教徒因新出现的突厥人不让基督教徒迈入耶路撒冷而引起拜占庭的不满从而引起西方国家的反抗。从十字军的着装,口号,称本次战争为圣战都可见十字军东征离不开宗教这一重要原因。但是到了第六次东征君士坦丁堡在视频后半部分可看出东征的目的变了,没有了那份宗教热情,屠杀基督徒,掠夺金子。
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWestern Europeans Were motivated more by religious to fight in the crusades. According to the text, the reason why Urban II proclaimed the first crusades was the message from the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I, which conveyed that Constantinople was being Threatened by Muslims. Therefore, people were passionate to volunteer for the military of crusades to protect the other Christians and it should certainly be classified as a religious motive. Also, according to the video, it was Jerusalem where the Christ was crucified leading to the significance of this holy place for Christians. Some people might say the crusades converted the target from Jerusalem to Egypt, which completely changed the nature of crusades. However, targeting Egypt was just one of the steps to capture Jerusalem. Richard wanted to dwindle the power of Muslims in this way so that it could be easier to conquer Jerusalem, and it doesn't conflict with the idea that crusades were to conquer Jerusalem for religious reasons.
DeleteAll of christianity, islam and judaism are abrahamic religious. Jerusalem was important for all of them. Why do they hurt each other?
ReplyDelete我同意你的观点 我也认为是宗教和经济的原因,因为当时西欧发现异教徒国家的经济和文化远远比自己国家的文化水平高的多所以他们准备发动战争
Delete(上一个评论也是我我刚刚用错号了)我是yu tong我同意你的观点 我也认为是宗教和经济的原因,因为当时西欧发现异教徒国家的经济和文化远远比自己国家的文化水平高的多所以他们准备发动战争
DeleteWere Western Europeans motivated more by religious or economic reasons to fight in the Crusades?
ReplyDeleteI believe the Crusaders were motivated by economic reasons rather than religious. Sure they were called because of religious devotion but the call was only answered because they desired economic gain. If the Crusaders were influenced by religion, then the Crusaders would have started as early as the 8th century. Also, more evidence shows that the Crusaders were fine with other religions coexisting as long as they paid a fee. Also during the 4th crusade, the Crusaders were brought out by Alexius III further showing the Crusader's lack of faith.
Great point on how the Latins(western Europeans) did not sent any force to defend the Holy Land when the Muslims were rapidly expanding in the Middle East during the 8th Century.
DeleteProbably because they think the they have completed their goals of capturing the Holy Land.The Crusaders defeated the Seljuk Turk and think they were strong enough.This is just my opinion and prediction
DeleteAlso, another factor might have been that the Byzantine (Eastern Roman Empire) Empire was a lot stronger than the Latin West when the Muslims were rapidly expanding after the death of Muhammad.
DeleteWere the Western Europeans motivated more by religious or economic reason to fight in the Crusades
ReplyDeleteI believe that Western Europeans are more motivated by religious reasons to fight on the Crusades because Pope Urban The Second organized the Crusaders who are Christians to stop the expansion of the Muslim and reclaim the Holy Land.The Crusaders won the First Crusades and got the Holy Land.But in the Third Crusade, the Sultan of Egypt fought the Crusaders and won the Holy Land for Muslims. The Third Crusade cause a lot of economic crisis for Crusaders and it cause the Crusaders to raid cities to get more money.
I agree, if they were motivated more by economic gain, I believe that they would have planned more carefully to avoid an economic crisis. Despite that, I believe that there is no solid reason for their motivation to fight. It is just more likely that they were more inclined toward religious reasons.
ReplyDelete我觉得十字军东征之所以被征召是因为他们对宗教的热爱,但由于对政治和经济利益的渴望而被召回。因为教皇之所以呼吁十字军东征,是因为最近从法蒂玛·什特穆斯林手中征服了耶路撒冷的塞尔柱特克斯改变了朝圣者的生活条件。也像视频中John Green说到“the Crusades were not primarily military operations, they were pilgrimages”所以我觉得十字军东征多数原因是因为宗教引起的。这是宗教的奉献。呼唤士兵从塞尔柱克土耳其人手中夺走耶路撒冷。
我觉得十字军东征有宗教原因但也和当时欧洲经济有关。不过,总体来说这其中的经济原因大于宗教原因。当时西受天主教影响,国王权利真空,经济不景气形成黑暗时期。而与此同时,阿拉伯人却蓬勃发展起来,他们的生活相较西欧人,比较稳定,富有和繁荣。我认为Urban二世开战的原因是他觊觎拜占庭的钱,他去争夺耶路撒冷的统治权是为了拥有更大的权利和财力(向去耶路撒冷朝圣的东正教徒和犹太人收钱收税)。他以夺回圣地的名义向穆斯林宣战,试图拉拢教徒为他打仗。众所周知,犹太教,基督教和伊斯兰教是亚伯拉罕诸教,三教都是一神教,耶路撒冷对于三教都有特殊含义。既然都有共同的信仰,为什么还要打架呢?况且,西欧和中东地区还隔离一个地中海,距离远不方便还要打?虽然为了钱得罪有钱的会打仗的穆斯林不太划得来,但是crash course 里Urban二世说神同意了。作为一个无神论者,我感觉没有人可以证实就是神让教徒去打仗的除了教皇他自己。
ReplyDeleteThe Western Europeans were motivated more by religious reasons to fight in the Crusades rather than economic reasons. According to Pope Urban II calls for the crusades, the Pope wants people to "undertake the journey for the remission of your sins, with the assurance of the imperishable glory of the kingdom of heaven." He believes that this will allow them to become better people for God, and that "It is the will of God." The Pope mentions the "glory and greatness of king Charles the Great, and of his son Louis, and of your other kings who have...extended in these lands the territory of the holy church." The Pope is using religious reasons as motivation to fight in the Crusades.
ReplyDeleteShuimei Cheng
DeleteZongrun Liang
DeleteZhibo Jia pd 7
ReplyDeleteHongyu Huang
我认为十字军东征一开始的目的的确是为了宗教,因为他们一开始就是为了收复圣地耶路撒冷。但是在当塞尔柱土耳其的穆斯林与基督教的拜占庭帝国在安纳托利亚对战并取得胜利军事后,他们大概是尝到了战争胜利带来的好处,以至于他们开始虽然打着以捍卫宗教的口号,但实际上是他们巨大的野心促使的以政治,社会与经济等目的为主的,在多个城池进行烧杀劫掠的战争。如果一开始只是单单为了收复圣地,那第四次十字军东征就不会去劫掠拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡。正如美国学者朱迪斯·M·本内特在他的著作《欧洲中世纪史》 里写道:“十字军远征聚合了当时的三大时代热潮:宗教,战争和贪欲”所以我认为十字军东征绝大多数都是为了他们的贪欲,参加东征的人们,都有他们自己的目的。