Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How to Make in-depth Annotations 如何作有深度的annotation

HW: Make 5 thoughtful  annotation on Guzman's article. AND fill out Testing A Hypothesis and Building an argument and claim.

Example: Annotating on the title alone. annotation 示范

" The author‘s choice of word here might be indicative his perspective on the mongols because "barbarian has very negative connotation."
Were the Barbarians a Negative or Positive Factor in Ancient and Medieval History?
 " His use of the word Medieval on Mongol history might be reflective of his Euro-centrist perspective on history"
Gregory Guzman is a Professor Emeritus at Bradley University. He has written several articles about the Mongols and their activity. 

Good annotations:
-Identifies argument (thesis 请注意, argument is claim+reasons)

-identifies supporting evidences for reasons
-Ask questions if any words or terms impede you from understanding or if there is something unclear. For example: I am having difficulty understanding the main idea because I don't know when and what "modern age" is." or "Were the envoy sent by the Pope invited by the Khan" "were they tasked to convert Mongols into Christians?

-make connections with the historical context, what civilization were in power before the Mongol conquest? (1206-1368)

-Make connection with current world affairs.

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