Monday, March 2, 2020

Geographic Location of Tang and Song 唐宋的地理位置

中国的丝绸技术是如何被泄露出去的? (请点链接)

Tang dynasty at its greatest extent, c. 669a 
Tang (618-907)

A map showing the territory of the Song, Liao, and Western Xia dynasties. The Song occupies the east half of what constitutes the territory of the modern China, except for the northernmost areas (modern Inner Mongolia and above). Western Xia occupies a small strip of land surrounding a river in what is now Inner Mongolia and Ningxia, and the Liao occupy a large section of what is today north-east China.Northern Song (960-1127)
南宋疆域图(简).png 南宋 Southern Song (1127-1279)

南宋 Southern Song

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