Mansa Musa
Swahili:斯瓦希里语, 是班图语族的一员, 也是东非海岸文明的名称
Salam : Arabic word that literally means "peace", used as a general greeting in Muslim countries.
Ruler 统治者
Ghana Empire
Mali Empire
Songhai Empire
Devout 虔诚的
Annex 吞并
Cleric:a priest or religious leader
Scholar 学者
Sultan 苏丹
Bantu: a large family of languages spoken by the Bantu peoples throughout Sub-Saharan Africa
could refer to the speakers of Bantu languages as well. 班图, 是撒哈拉以南非洲主要的语族, 也可以指说班图语族的人
今天的穆斯林世界 Muslim World Today I left Tangier, my birthplace, on Thursday, 2nd 725
[June 14, 1325], with the intention of making the Pilgrimage to the Holy House
[at Mecca] and the Tomb of the Prophet [at Medina].我于Rajab第二周的725 [1325年6月14日] 离开了我的出生地丹吉尔,打算去麦加朝圣殿和麦地那先知陵墓。
Tripoli 的黎波里
Some time later I joined a pilgrim caravan...Then
we set out for Tripoli, accompanied for several stages by a hundred or more
horsemen as well as a detachment of archers, out of respect for whom the Arab
robbers kept their distance. . . . There is an uninterrupted chain of bazaars
from Alexandria to Cairo, and from Cairo to Assuan [Aswan] in Upper Egypt.
I arrived at length at Cairo, mother of all
cities and seat of Pharaoh the tyrant. It is said that in Cairo there are
twelve thousand water-carriers who transport water on camels, and thirty
thousand hirers of mules and donkeys, and that on the Nile there are thirty-six
thousand boats belonging to the sultan and his subjects which sail upstream to
Upper Egypt and downstream to Alexandria and Damietta, laden with goods and
profitable merchandise of all kinds. . . .The madrasas [Islamic colleges] of
Cairo cannot be counted. . . .
I entered Damascus on Thursday 9th Ramadan 726
[9th August, 1326], and lodged at the Malikite college. Damascus surpasses all
other cities in beauty, and no description can do justice to its charms. The
Cathedral Mosque, known as the Umayyad Mosque, is the most magnificent mosque
in the world.
I got rid of my tailored clothes, bathed, and
putting on the pilgrim’s garment, I prayed and dedicated myself to the
pilgrimage. The inhabitants of Mecca have many excellent and noble activities
and qualities. They are good to the humble and weak, and kind to strangers.
When any of them makes a feast, he begins by giving food to the religious
devotees who are poor and without resources.
[Dervishes, mostly found in modern day Turkey,
practice a sect of Islam called Sufism.
I reached the establishment at noon the next day
and found it to be an enormous monastery containing thousands of darwishes
[dervishes]. After the mid-afternoon prayer drums and kettledrums were beaten
and the darwishes began to dance. After this they prayed the sunset prayer and
brought in the meal, consisting of rice-bread, fish, milk and dates...A number
of loads of wood had been brought in and kindled into a flame, and they went
into the fire dancing; some of them rolled in it and others ate it in their
mouths until they had extinguished it entirely. This is the peculiar custom of
the Ahmadi darwishes....我第二天中午到达该机构,发现它是一个巨大的修道院,里面有成千上万的德尔维希。下午中午之后,打鼓和敲打鼓,舞女开始跳舞。此后,他们祈祷日落祈祷,并带上饭,包括米糠,鱼,牛奶和枣……......许多木材被带入并点燃,然后燃烧起来,他们跳入火中跳舞; 他们中的一些人将其卷入其中,而另一些人则将其吞噬,直到完全将其熄灭为止。这是艾哈迈迪(Ahmadi)德尔维希人的特殊习俗。
For HW, besides answering 4 questions that follows the text. Please make 5 INSIGHTFUL annotations on the the script of TED-Ed video. 除了回答transcript 后面的四个问题, 请用荧光笔 (highlighter)在文中作五个 标注(annotations)。Please relate your annotations to the AIM of the day. "Why were West African Empires prosperous? What were the effects of Mansa Musa’s rule and hajj?"
什么是annotation?Don't simply put question marks though. Actually write down the questions!
What were the effects of Mansa Musa’s rule and hajj?
This image of Mansa Musa, from a map called the Catalan Atlas, was created by a European mapmaker in 1375. It demonstrates that the king of Mali and his wealth were known in Europe soon after his Hajj. 这张曼萨·穆萨的图像 来自一张称为加泰罗尼亚地图的地图,该图片是由一位欧洲制图师于1375年绘制的。 这表明马里国王及其财富在他的朝圣之后 不久就在欧洲广为人知。
Close-read and annotate the following transcript of the TED-Ed Video “Mansa Musa, one of the wealthiest people who ever lived”
If someone asked you who the richest people in history were, who would you name?Perhaps a billionaire banker or corporate mogul, like Bill Gates or John D. Rockefeller. How about African King Musa Keita I? Ruling the Mali Empire in the 14th century CE, Mansa Musa, or the King of Kings, amassed a fortune that possibly made him one of the wealthiest people who ever lived. But his vast wealth was only one piece of his rich legacy.
When Mansa Musa came to power in 1312, much of Europe was racked by famine and civil wars. But many African kingdoms and the Islamic world were flourishing, and Mansa Musa played a great role in bringing the fruits of this flourishing to his own realm. By strategically annexing the city of Timbuktu, and reestablishing power over the city of Gao, he gained control over important trade routes between the Mediterranean and the West African Coast, continuing a period of expansion, which dramatically increased Mali's size. The territory of the Mali Empire was rich in natural resources, such as gold and salt.
The world first witnessed the extent of Mansa Musa's wealth in 1324 when he took his pilgrimage to Mecca. Not one to travel on a budget, he brought a caravan stretching as far as the eye could see. Accounts of this journey are mostly based on an oral testimony and differing written records, so it's difficult to determine the exact details. But what most agree on is the extravagant scale of the excursion. Chroniclers describe an entourage of tens of thousands of soldiers, civilians, and slaves, 500 heralds bearing gold staffs and dressed in fine silks, and many camels and horses bearing an abundance of gold bars. Stopping in cities such as Cairo, Mansa Musa is said to have spent massive quantities of gold, giving to the poor, buying souvenirs, and even having mosques built along the way. In fact, his spending may have destabilized the regional economy, causing mass inflation.
This journey reportedly took over a year, and by the time Mansa Musa returned, tales of his amazing wealth had spread to the ports of the Mediterranean. Mali and its king were elevated to near legendary status, cemented by their inclusion on the 1375 Catalan Atlas. One of the most important world maps of Medieval Europe, it depicted the King holding a scepter and a gleaming gold nugget. Mansa Musa had literally put his empire and himself on the map. But material riches weren't the king's only concern.
As a devout Muslim, he took a particular interest in Timbuktu, already a center of religion and learning prior to its annexation. Upon returning from his pilgrimage, he had the great Djinguereber Mosque built there with the help of an Andalusian architect. He also established a major university, further elevating the city's reputation, and attracting scholars and students from all over the Islamic world.
Under Mansa Musa, the Empire became urbanized, with schools and mosques in hundreds of densely populated towns. The king's rich legacy persisted for generations and to this day, there are mausoleums, libraries and mosques that stand as a testament to this golden age of Mali's history.
1. What actions did Mansa Musa take to make Mali more powerful and wealthy? 曼萨·穆萨采取了哪些行动来使马里变更强大和富裕?
3. Identify two effects of Mansa Musa’s hajj. 列举两个穆萨朝圣之旅的后果。
2. Why did Mansa Musa travel to Mecca?曼萨·穆萨为什么要去麦加?
4. What actions did Mansa Musa take to nurture the growth of Islam in Mali? 曼萨·穆萨采取了哪些行动来培育马里伊斯兰教的成长?
Cauldron Lighting at 2005 Doha (Qatar) Asian Games Opening Ceremony demonstrated many achievement of Abbasid Golden Age 2006 年多哈 (卡塔尔)亚洲运动会开幕式上的火炬点燃意思集中体现了伊斯兰黄金时代的很多成就: 天文 (火炬台是阿拉伯人很擅长的浑天仪); 几何图形 (火炬台中央)
The opening ceremony in its entirety : 完整的开幕式(整个开幕式几乎涵盖了今天学到所有伊斯兰黄金时代的成就)
1. Sunni 逊尼派: Makes up majority of (about 85-90%) all Muslims today 穆斯林的多数
2.Shi'ite/Shia 什叶派: Makes up about 10-15% of all Muslims today, of which Iran is the leading country 穆斯林少数, 伊朗是这个教派的主要国家
3.Hegira 希吉拉/迁徙: Exodus of Prophet Muhammad and his follower from Mecca to the nearby town of Medina to escape persecution, 为了逃避迫害, 先知默罕默德带着他的追随者迁徙到麦地那的旅途
4. Caliph 哈里发: a person considered a political-religious successor to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and a leader of the entire Muslimcommunity
5. Caliphate 哈里发国: Umayyad and Abbasid are two examples of this.
6. Poll tax 人头税:a tax imposed upon non-Muslim residents in Muslim countries 穆斯林国家向非穆斯林人口收的人头税。
7. Baghdad 巴格达: Capital of Iraq, Capital of Abbasid Dynasty from 8th Century to 13th Century 伊拉克首都, 8-13世纪阿拔斯王朝的首都
8. Damascus大马士革: Capital of Syria, Capital of Umayyad Dynasty from 661 CE to 750 CE叙利亚首都, 661-750 CE 倭马亚王朝的首都
9. Cairo开罗,Capital of Egypt, the largest city in Africa, Arab world and the Middle East. A major trade and religious center during Abbasid Dynasty 埃及首都; 非洲, 阿拉伯世界以及中东最大的城市。 阿巴斯时代主要的贸易和宗教中心 10. Calligraphy书法;the art of beautiful hand-writing 优美的书写艺术 11. Astronomy天文学;the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole
12. Hajj朝觐 an annual Islamicpilgrimage to Mecca, the holiest city for Muslims. It is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime 伊斯兰教徒到麦加的朝觐,这是每年全世界穆斯林最大规模的聚会,也是伊斯兰教的五功之一 13. Merchant商人;a person who trades in commodities produced by other people.
14. Trans-Saharan跨-撒哈拉 (贸易):describing trade route that requires travel across the largest desert in the world (north and south) 。 Located in North Africa, it was one of the 4 major trading networks of the ancient world. 形容位于北非, 需要跨越世界最大沙漠的贸易网络
15. Commodities商品 :trading goods
16. Mosque清真寺 :place of worship in Islam 17. Post-classical 后古典时代的:roughly synonymous, butless Euro-centrist term for "Medieval". 跟 “中世纪” 大约相同, 而不那么欧洲中心主义的世界历史分段用词
18. Flourish繁盛;grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment 在有利的环境下蓬勃地成长或发展
19. Pact of Umar乌马尔公约: an agreement between the Caliph Umar to the Christians of Syriathat specifies rights and restrictions for non-Muslims living under Islamic rule 规定了基督徒在新征服者的统治下应享有的权利,并规定了基督教与伊斯兰教共存的基本原则
20. Crossroads交汇点:intersection of two or more roads