Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why were West African Empires prosperous? What were the effects of Mansa Musa’s rule and hajj?

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 Image result for bartholomew ii

For HW, besides answering 4 questions that follows the text.  Please make 5 INSIGHTFUL annotations on the the script of TED-Ed video. 除了回答transcript 后面的四个问题, 请用荧光笔 (highlighter)在文中作五个 标注(annotations)。Please relate your annotations to the AIM of the day. "Why were West African Empires prosperous? What were the effects of Mansa Musa’s rule and hajj?"

什么是annotation?Don't simply put question marks though. Actually write down the questions!

What were the effects of Mansa Musa’s rule and hajj? 
曼萨穆萨 的统治和他的麦加朝圣之旅 (hajj)影响是什么?

➡ Directions: Watch the TED-Ed video Mansa Musa, one of the wealthiest people who ever lived and follow the transcript 
below, then watch this National Geographic Video, examine the map and image below and respond to the questions.

Map of Mansa Musa’s Hajj, 1324
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This image of Mansa Musa, from a map called 
the Catalan Atlas, was created by a European 
mapmaker in 1375. It demonstrates that the
 king of Mali and his wealth were known in 
Europe soon after his Hajj. 这张曼萨·穆萨的图像

Close-read and annotate the following transcript of the TED-Ed Video “Mansa Musa, one of the wealthiest people who ever lived”

If someone asked you who the richest people in history were, who would you name? Perhaps a billionaire banker or corporate mogul, like Bill Gates or John D. Rockefeller. How about African King Musa Keita I? Ruling the Mali Empire in the 14th century CE, Mansa Musa, or the King of Kings, amassed a fortune that possibly made him one of the wealthiest people who ever lived. But his vast wealth was only one piece of his rich legacy. 

When Mansa Musa came to power in 1312, much of Europe was racked by famine and civil wars. But many African kingdoms and the Islamic world were flourishing, and Mansa Musa played a great role in bringing the fruits of this flourishing to his own realm. By strategically annexing the city of Timbuktu, and reestablishing power over the city of Gao, he gained control over important trade routes between the Mediterranean and the West African Coast, continuing a period of expansion, which dramatically increased Mali's size. The territory of the Mali Empire was rich in natural resources, such as gold and salt.

The world first witnessed the extent of Mansa Musa's wealth in 1324 when he took his pilgrimage to Mecca. Not one to travel on a budget, he brought a caravan stretching as far as the eye could see. Accounts of this journey are mostly based on an oral testimony and differing written records, so it's difficult to determine the exact details. But what most agree on is the extravagant scale of the excursion. Chroniclers describe an entourage of tens of thousands of soldiers, civilians, and slaves, 500 heralds bearing gold staffs and dressed in fine silks, and many camels and horses bearing an abundance of gold bars. Stopping in cities such as Cairo, Mansa Musa is said to have spent massive quantities of gold, giving to the poor, buying souvenirs, and even having mosques built along the way. In fact, his spending may have destabilized the regional economy, causing mass inflation.

This journey reportedly took over a year, and by the time Mansa Musa returned, tales of his amazing wealth had spread to the ports of the Mediterranean. Mali and its king were elevated to near legendary status, cemented by their inclusion on the 1375 Catalan Atlas. One of the most important world maps of Medieval Europe, it depicted the King holding a scepter and a gleaming gold nugget. Mansa Musa had literally put his empire and himself on the map. But material riches weren't the king's only concern.
As a devout Muslim, he took a particular interest in Timbuktu, already a center of religion and learning prior to its annexation. Upon returning from his pilgrimage, he had the great Djinguereber Mosque built there with the help of an Andalusian architect. He also established a major university, further elevating the city's reputation, and attracting scholars and students from all over the Islamic world.
Under Mansa Musa, the Empire became urbanized, with schools and mosques in hundreds of densely populated towns. The king's rich legacy persisted for generations and to this day, there are mausoleums, libraries and mosques that stand as a testament to this golden age of Mali's history.

1. What actions did Mansa Musa take to make Mali more powerful and wealthy?

3. Identify two effects of Mansa Musa’s hajj. 
2. Why did Mansa Musa travel to Mecca?曼萨·穆萨为什么要去麦加?

4. What actions did Mansa Musa take to nurture the growth of Islam in Mali? 

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