Friday, February 28, 2020

Excerpt from The Travels of Ibn Battuta《伊本-白图泰游记》摘录 
                             今天的穆斯林世界 Muslim World Today

I left Tangier, my birthplace, on Thursday, 2nd 725 [June 14, 1325], with the intention of making the Pilgrimage to the Holy House [at Mecca] and the Tomb of the Prophet [at Medina]. 我于Rajab第二周的725 [1325614] 离开了我的出生地丹吉尔,打算去麦加朝圣殿和麦地那先知陵墓。

Tripoli 的黎波里
Some time later I joined a pilgrim caravan...Then we set out for Tripoli, accompanied for several stages by a hundred or more horsemen as well as a detachment of archers, out of respect for whom the Arab robbers kept their distance. . . . There is an uninterrupted chain of bazaars from Alexandria to Cairo, and from Cairo to Assuan [Aswan] in Upper Egypt.
一段时间后,我参加了朝圣商队……然后我们出发去的黎波里,由几百个或更多的骑兵和一支弓箭手陪同进行了几个阶段,出于尊重,阿拉伯抢劫犯保持距离。 从亚历山大到开罗,再从开罗到上埃及的阿苏安[Aswan],有不间断的集市。


I arrived at length at Cairo, mother of all cities and seat of Pharaoh the tyrant. It is said that in Cairo there are twelve thousand water-carriers who transport water on camels, and thirty thousand hirers of mules and donkeys, and that on the Nile there are thirty-six thousand boats belonging to the sultan and his subjects which sail upstream to Upper Egypt and downstream to Alexandria and Damietta, laden with goods and profitable merchandise of all kinds. . . .The madrasas [Islamic colleges] of Cairo cannot be counted. . . . 

我到达了开罗,开罗是所有城市的母亲和暴君法老的所在地。据说,在开罗,有一万二千艘载水运骆驼的水船,三万名驴的租用者;在尼罗河上,有三万六千艘属于苏丹及其臣民的船向上游航行。到上游的上埃及,再到下游的亚历山大和达米埃塔,到处都是货物和各种有利可图的商品。 。开罗有不计其数的伊斯兰学校[madrasas]


I entered Damascus on Thursday 9th Ramadan 726 [9th August, 1326], and lodged at the Malikite college. Damascus surpasses all other cities in beauty, and no description can do justice to its charms. The Cathedral Mosque, known as the Umayyad Mosque, is the most magnificent mosque in the world.

      Mecca 麦加

I got rid of my tailored clothes, bathed, and putting on the pilgrim’s garment, I prayed and dedicated myself to the pilgrimage. The inhabitants of Mecca have many excellent and noble activities and qualities. They are good to the humble and weak, and kind to strangers. When any of them makes a feast, he begins by giving food to the religious devotees who are poor and without resources.

The customs of the Ahmadi dervishes 

[Dervishes, mostly found in modern day Turkey, practice a sect of Islam called Sufism.

I reached the establishment at noon the next day and found it to be an enormous monastery containing thousands of darwishes [dervishes]. After the mid-afternoon prayer drums and kettledrums were beaten and the darwishes began to dance. After this they prayed the sunset prayer and brought in the meal, consisting of rice-bread, fish, milk and dates...A number of loads of wood had been brought in and kindled into a flame, and they went into the fire dancing; some of them rolled in it and others ate it in their mouths until they had extinguished it entirely. This is the peculiar custom of the Ahmadi darwishes.... 我第二天中午到达该机构,发现它是一个巨大的修道院,里面有成千上万的德尔维希。下午中午之后,打鼓和敲打鼓,舞女开始跳舞。此后,他们祈祷日落祈祷,并带上饭,包括米糠,鱼,牛奶和枣……......许多木材被带入并点燃,然后燃烧起来,他们跳入火中跳舞; 他们中的一些人将其卷入其中,而另一些人则将其吞噬,直到完全将其熄灭为止。这是艾哈迈迪(Ahmadi德尔维希人的特殊习俗。



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