Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Anoucement for the Next 2 Days (Question for Thursday's Quiz included 含週四小考題目)

Wednesday:Lesson on Hate Crime (school-wide initiative)
            Due:  1. Graphic Organizer about 4 documents (for Period 3, 5, 8)
                      2. Project Outline

Thursday 2/13:
1.Short Answer quiz on Islam:
You must be able to answer the following星期四简答题小考, 你需要知道以下内容:
1) Origin of Sunni/Shi'ite split, what was the main disagreement, what is each side's stance (Shi'ite: successor of Muhammad must be descendant or family members of Muhammad; Sunni: The Muslim community should be able to determine, or elect one) 請解釋遜尼派跟什葉派分歧的根源在哪?對於這個問題, 遜尼派是什麼立場?(答案:穆罕默德繼承人應該由誰來擔任的分歧,遜尼派-(Sunnis) 認為继承人應該由穆斯林社區選出, 不一定要論血統/家族) 什葉派(Shi'ite 持什麼立場? (答案:什葉派认为穆罕默德繼承人應該是他的後人或家人),

2)Which sect is the Muslim majority (answer: Sunni, constituting 85-90% of all Muslims today whereas Shi'ites only makes up 10-15 %), and which is minority? 遜尼派跟什葉派, 哪個是多數哪個是少數?

3) Which country is the leading Shi'ite country 世界上的主要什葉派國家是哪一個? (answer: Iran伊朗)

4) Name a Sunni-majority country (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, etc) 列舉一個遜尼派國家,( 除了伊朗,伊拉克, 阿塞拜疆, 黎巴嫩以外穆斯林國家都屬於遜尼派, 包括, 土耳其, 埃及, 沙特等)

5) What is the Hegira (exodus of Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to nearby Town of Medina to escape persecution) 希吉拉是什麼

6) The year that Hegira happened became Year 1 in Islamic calendar. What year was it? (Answer: 622 CE ) 伊斯蘭曆法元年是哪一年?

7) Explain 3 of the Five Pillars of Islam, explain what the requirement is to be a Muslim.

8) What are the 3 recurring motifs in Islamic art?伊斯蘭藝術的三大元素
Answer: Calligraphy書法; geometric shapes幾何圖形 and representation of plants 植物紋飾 (you would almost never see representation of people and animals in Islamic art)

In-class working period for World Peace Conference, please bring materials so you can work during the period. 请将材料带来, 这样星期四可以在班级开始做你的project。

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