Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
River Valley Civilization Innovations HW
Please click on the links below to help you with the HW 请点击下面的链接来完成你的功课:
Please add the the following words into your Unit 2 Vocab list 下列單詞加入第二單元詞彙表:
1. Adapt (add your own definition, 自己加定义)
2. Modify (add your own definition, 自己加定义)
3. Irrigation: the act of supplying water to land or crops
Please add the the following words into your Unit 2 Vocab list 下列單詞加入第二單元詞彙表:
1. Adapt (add your own definition, 自己加定义)
2. Modify (add your own definition, 自己加定义)
3. Irrigation: the act of supplying water to land or crops
Terrace Farming in Ancient China
Directions: Examine the image below and watch this video on the rice terraces in Yunnan, China then complete the tasks the follow.
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Terrace Farming
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4. In your own words, describe what terrace farming is and explain how terrace farming benefited the Ancient Chinese.
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Mud Brick Making
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5. Describe the techniques used to make mud bricks.
6. Explain how being able to create bricks might have affected the Early River Valley Civilizations.
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Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Location of 4 River Valley Civilizations and HW
Add the following words into your Unit Two Vocab List 下列词汇加入到第二单元词汇表:
legal code: a set of laws
social hierarchy:the state in which a society is organized through grouping people usually based on wealth, religion, ethnicity, or other factors
surplus:an amount that goes beyond what is needed
Ancient Egypt: (3000-2000 BCE) an early river valley civilization established on the Nile River
early river valley civilizations: the first civilizations in human history which were located in river valleys
Indus River Valley Civilization: (2500-1700 BCE) an early river valley civilization located in the present-day countries of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India that included the cities Mohenjo-daro and Harappa
Mesopotamia:(3500-1650 BCE) a region in the Middle East between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers where the first early river valley civilizations started
river valley: the area of land nearby and parallel to a river
Shang China: (3950-1500 BCE) an early river valley civilization in China established on the Huang He (Yellow) River
***You can click on Euphrates to hear the pronunciation 你可以点击 Euphrates 来听读音
Exit Slip Answer:
美索不達米亞位於底格里斯河-和幼發拉底=河周圍, 位於 西亞 或 中東, 在今日的伊拉克 和敘利亞
中國商朝 位於黃河流域附近, 在東亞
印度河谷文明 在印度河附近, 在南亞, 在今日的巴基斯坦
***You can click on Euphrates to hear the pronunciation 你可以点击 Euphrates 来听读音
Exit Slip Answer:
美索不達米亞位於底格里斯河-和幼發拉底=河周圍, 位於 西亞 或 中東, 在今日的伊拉克 和敘利亞
中國商朝 位於黃河流域附近, 在東亞
印度河谷文明 在印度河附近, 在南亞, 在今日的巴基斯坦
Monday, October 28, 2019
4 Ancient Civilizations 四大文明古國
Friday, October 25, 2019
Paleolithic Era vs Neolithic Era Graphic Organizer & Quiz on Monday
HW 1: Add the following words into your Unit 2 Vocabulary list (these 3 will not be tested)
HW 2: Please use your knowledge of Paleolithic Era, the following 4 documents and the link to help you complete the graphic organizer, which will be collected on Monday.
*** In Paleolithic time, people used natural shelters. (Ex. caves)
Worker stirring milk: 勞動者攪拌牛奶; fleece garment: 羊毛的衣物; strainer 過濾器;
Workers churning strained cream into butter 勞動者攪拌過濾的牛奶以轉換成黃油; cowshed: 牛棚
Words that will be tested for Monday's quiz:
Something interesting happening over the course of the week-10/21:
HW 2: Please use your knowledge of Paleolithic Era, the following 4 documents and the link to help you complete the graphic organizer, which will be collected on Monday.
*** In Paleolithic time, people used natural shelters. (Ex. caves)
Worker stirring milk: 勞動者攪拌牛奶; fleece garment: 羊毛的衣物; strainer 過濾器;
Workers churning strained cream into butter 勞動者攪拌過濾的牛奶以轉換成黃油; cowshed: 牛棚
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modern strainer 現代的過濾器 |
Words that will be tested for Monday's quiz:
- Physical Map
- Political Map
- Absolute location
- Compass
- Relative location
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Plain
- Geographic feature
- Nomad
- Paleolithic
- Hunter-gatherer
- Permanent
- Permanent settlements
- Turning point
- Agriculture
- Domestication
- Crop
- Fertile
- Crescent
Something interesting happening over the course of the week-10/21:
Coronation Ceremony of Japanese Emperor Naruhito日本天皇德仁登基大典
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Words Included in Quiz Tomorrow
Add those to Unit 2 Vocab list
Words that will be tested for tomorrow's quiz:
- Turning point: an event that leads to lasting change
- Fertile: good for growing crops
- Crop: a plant grown for food
- Crescent: "new moon shape"
- Cultural Diffusion: Process of exchanging goods and ideas
Words that will be tested for tomorrow's quiz:
- Physical Map
- Political Map
- Absolute location
- Compass
- Relative location
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Plain
- Geographic feature
- Nomad
- Paleolithic
- Hunter-gatherer
- Permanent
- Permanent settlements
- Turning point
- Agriculture
- Domestication
- Crop
- Fertile
- Crescent
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Fertile Crescent (肥沃的新月) |
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
10/23 HW
HW1: Add the following 5 words and definition to UNIT 2 Vocabulary list 请将以下五个词加入第二单元词汇表:
1. Neolithic Revolution/Agricultural Revolution: (starting in 10,000 BCE) a turning point in history that changed the way Paleolithic people lived their lives. People shifted from hunting and gathering for food to agriculture. Instead of living as nomads, people settled down in permanent settlements. The Neolithic Revolution led to the first civilizations.
2. permanent: intended to last forever
HW 2: Please use the following materials to complete the HW, 请用以下材料完成你的功课
Material 1材料一:infographic
Material 2 材料二: Video (如需要请点击中文字幕)
Material 3 材料三: Wikipedia
Material 4 材料四: Crash Course
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A Bestseller by John Green |
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A Neo-impressionist Painting |
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Geography Test Re-take 地理考试重考机会
If you feel that you did not do well on today's Geography test, especially if you feel that you score under 70%. There would be a retake scheduled for 11th Period starting at 3:36 PM @ Room 121. The maximum you get on this re-take is 80% (Meaning if you answer everything right, you will get 80% on this test)
Time limit: 15 minutes.
Time limit: 15 minutes.
如果你觉得今天的地理考试没有考好, 特别是如果你觉得你的分数在70% 以下的话, 星期四将有一次重考的机会。 请在本周四第10 个 period 之后 (3点36分) , 来到 Room 121。时间限制是15 分钟。 最高分数是80%。 也就是说, 如果, 你所有题目都答对的话, 你的分数是80%。
考题一样, 顺序或许会有些许改变。
考题一样, 顺序或许会有些许改变。
Monday, October 21, 2019
Paleolithic Era HWs and Test Tomorrow
維基百科 “舊石器時代” 的條目
***Another word with "paleo" as prefix 另一个以 “paleo 为前缀的词:
Paleontology: the branch of science concerned with fossil animals and plants. 古生物學:研究植物和動物化石的科學
HW 1 : Add the following words into your Unit 2 Vocabulary List (第三节跟第八节课的同学, 请将这些定义翻译成中文)
one who gets their food by hunting for it and collecting wild fruit, vegetables, and nuts; most humans in the Paleolithic Period were hunter-gatherers
a person who lives a nomadic lifestyle, moving from one place to another following food sources
having to do with the Paleolithic Period, or Old Stone Age, the time period from 2 million B.C.E. to about 10,000 B.C.E., characterized by the use of stone tools
HW 2:
怎么调中文字幕(⚠️: 只是机器翻译, 所以不一定准)
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先点击 setting (齿轮状的图标); 选择Auto-translate |
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在语言选项里 点击选择 Chinese (Simplified) 简体中文 或者 Chinese (Traditional)- 繁体中文 |
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Geography HW Direction 地理功课怎么做
For this HW (for 10th period, I will give you the paper tomorrow) please mark all the 请标出所有的:
- 7 continents 七大洲
- 4 oceans +Mediterranean Sea 四大洋+地中海
- ALL sub-regions in the 4 continents we did in class (19 in total, 4 in Europe, 4 in Latin America, 5 in Africa, 6 in Asia) 所有的洲的分区(总共19个, 欧洲四个, 拉丁美洲4个, 非洲5 个, 亚洲6 个)
- In total, 31 things should be label on this map.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Please Study for Geography Test on Tuesday, 10/22
Yes, Tuesday's Geography TEST will be counted toward your exam grade for 2nd marking period, not your quiz grade. You have to label continents, bodies of water and subregions. NO WORD BANK WILL BE GIVEN. Please study in advance!
You have to know how to label this map. Again, you WILL NOT be given the word bank. The instruction will be:
You have to know what sub-regions do these countries belong to. For example, "India is in South Asia." 你必须知道以下国家的区域 比如 印度在南亚:
*** You can click on the following countries to see the Wikipedia entries 你可以点击以下国家进入其维基百科的条目: India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Brazil, Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Greece
Please label the 7 continents, 4 oceans and Mediterranean Sea
You have to know how to label this map. Again, you WILL NOT be given the word bank. The instruction will be:
You have to know what sub-regions do these countries belong to. For example, "India is in South Asia." 你必须知道以下国家的区域 比如 印度在南亚:
*** You can click on the following countries to see the Wikipedia entries 你可以点击以下国家进入其维基百科的条目: India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Brazil, Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Greece
Please label the 7 continents, 4 oceans and Mediterranean Sea
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