Monday, October 7, 2019

3 Types of Maps

HW 1: Please add the following 5 items into your Unit 2 Vocabulary
请将以下五个词/词组 加入到第二单元词汇表

difference:something that makes two or more things not alike
similarity: something that one or more things have in common
physical map: map that shows landscapes and geographic features
political map: map that shows political boundaries
thematic map: map that shows specific topics for reference

(for Period 3, 8 and 10 第3, 8 & 10节课的同学)
HW 2: Answer what type of map (physical/political or thematic)you would use in the following examples and tell us why. Make sue to use complete sentences.
请回答:以下的例子中,你会用哪一种地图(自然地理图, 政区图 还是主题地图)并解释为什么, 请确保用完整的句子回答每个问题


1. If I want to know which countries borders Ghana, I would use a..., because....
如果我想知道加纳跟哪个国家交界, 我会用... 因为... 

2. If I want to know where the Nile River is located, I would use a
如果我想知道尼罗河在哪里, 我会用... 因为... 

3. If I want to know which African country had the greatest number of professional soccer players, I would use a
如果我想知道哪个非洲国家有最多的职业足球运动员我会用... 因为... 

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