Wednesday, October 23, 2019

10/23 HW

HW1: Add the following 5 words and definition to UNIT 2 Vocabulary list 请将以下五个词加入第二单元词汇表:

1. Neolithic Revolution/Agricultural Revolution: (starting in 10,000 BCE) a turning point in history that changed the way Paleolithic people lived their lives. People shifted from hunting and gathering for food to agriculture. Instead of living as nomads, people settled down in permanent settlements. The Neolithic Revolution led to the first civilizations.
2. permanent: intended to last forever


HW 2: Please use the following materials to complete the HW, 请用以下材料完成你的功课
Material 1材料一:infographic

Material 2 材料二: Video (如需要请点击中文字幕)

Material 3 材料三: Wikipedia

Material 4 材料四: Crash Course
                                                               Narrator: John Green

A Bestseller by John Green
A Neo-impressionist Painting

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