Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Please bring NOTES tomorrow! - Exam Review Sheet 明天记得带笔记!-明天的考试复习指南

Please be reminded that I will be checking notes tomorrow! You must have ALL the notes (meaning dates, aims, Do Nows, and others things I asked for) as well as 3 things in your sheet protector: Unit 1 vocab, Unit 2 Vocab and 9 enduring issues handout. 明天老师会检查笔记。 你必须有开学以来的所有笔记 (每天的日期, aim, Do Now 和其他老师要求做的任务以及笔记)。你的sheet protector 现在应该有三样东西: 第一单元词汇表, 第二单元词汇表 和 九个持续性议题(enduring issues)的 handout

For exam tomorrow:
  • You have to know what these words are AND how to apply EACH of those historical thinking skills. 你必须知道以下词汇并而且在实际例子中使用这些历史思考的技能(historical thinking skills):                                                                                                         annotate, source (v.), close read, contextualize, construct argument.                                                                                   Ex. Think of different things you do when you ANNOTATE (give definitions, ask questions, write observations, detect bias) , source (asking Who, When, Where, WHY, etc) or close read (find out claim, evidence and reasoning in a document or analyze the use the specific language: why does the author use this kind of language, etc)
  • You have to know what an enduring issue, what are the elements required to be considered an enduring issue in Social Studies. 你必须知道什么是持续性议题 enduring issue。 在世界历史课里面, 一个持续性议题 enduring issue 的必要元素是什么?
  • You can name 3 enduring issues out of the the 9 included in the handout I gave you AND can give an example for each (either in the past or present). For example, an example of conflict is World War 2. 例举三个持续性议题(老师给你的handout 里面有9个)并且每个能给出一个例子。 例如, 冲突的例子是第二次世界大战。
  • You can identify as well as distinguish historical context from geographical context within a text. 可以列举并区分文本中的历史context 和地理context 
  • You have to know what purpose, audience and bias mean. 知道purpose, audience & bias 是什么意思。
  • Primary source vs Secondary source 一手资料vs 二手资料

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