Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Please Study for Geography Test on Tuesday, 10/22

Yes, Tuesday's Geography TEST will be counted toward your exam grade for 2nd marking period,  not your quiz grade. You have to label continents, bodies of water and subregions. NO WORD BANK WILL BE GIVEN. Please study in advance!
 You have to know how to label this map. Again, you WILL NOT be given the word bank. The instruction will be:

You have to know what sub-regions do these countries belong to. For example, "India is in South Asia." 你必须知道以下国家的区域 比如 印度在南亚:

*** You can click on the following countries to see the Wikipedia entries 你可以点击以下国家进入其维基百科的条目:  India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Brazil, Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Greece
  Please label the 7 continents,  4 oceans and Mediterranean Sea

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