Thursday, December 5, 2019

Did Shi Huangdi Improve China #2 秦始皇是否改善中國 #2

Click on the link to see Terracotta Army in 360 degree view 兵馬俑360度視角鏈接

improve:to make better 讓。。。更好

Please make sure questions on these two documents are answered for tomorrow

(for Period 3& 8) 请对问题 “秦始皇是否改善了中国” 圈选yes 或者 no, 然后请提供三个支持你的声张(claim)的原因:然后每个原因提出一个具体的证据;
AFTER what we learned today about Shi Shuangdi's political unification of China & legalism, please write on second row (highlighted in blue) about what the new thesis is. AND what information do you still need to gather still. Meaning, besides those things we explored in class,  Terracotta army, The Great Wall of China, the political unification of China, legalism, what kind of things you need to  research you on your part to prove your thesis?  ex. If you thesis is 請在以下顯示藍色的部分寫下你檢視了中國的政治的統一, 蔣勳的說法, 法家的哲學後的論點。 然後 在“what information do i still need to respond to the inquiry question" 欄, 寫下: 假如現在寫research paper, 你還需要尋找那些資料來證明你的論點的。 (比如, 如果你說秦始皇使得中國不受外敵的侵犯, 你要找的資料是長城是否起到了禦敵的效果?長城建好後的秦朝統治期間是否有北方遊牧民族跨越長城侵犯中原?請不要抄寫這個答案

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