Friday, December 13, 2019

Words to be quizzed on Monday 星期一要考的英文單詞

Please make sure you know the meaning of these 15 words for Monday's Quiz:
  • Yin and Yang:It is supposed to represent the idea that everything in nature should be viewed as part of a whole, and that opposites are complementary forces that balance themselves out.
  • Daoism/Taoism
  • Lao Tzu 老子
  • Tao-Te Ching
  • Wu Wei 無為 -  Taoist concept of "non-action"
  • Confucius (孔子)
  • Confucianism
  • Mencius (2nd most important figure in Confucianism 孟子)
  • Filial Piety 孝
  • Disciple (means student)
  • Han Dynasty
  • Ritual/rite
  • Emperor Wu of Han (漢武帝 who promoted Confucianism as the official ruling philosophy of Han Dynasty and it remained as the ruling philosophy of Chinese dynasties for the 2000 years that followed)
  • ruler/subject 君臣
  • Zhou Dynasty, The Dynasty and preceded Qin (Warring State period was part of Zhou Dynasty, it is the the time when Confucianism, Legalism and Daoism developed)

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