Wednesday, December 18, 2019

UPDATED Golden Age of Ancient Greece Book/Poster Project (Due Monday 01/06) 古希臘黃金時代海報/書 project(1月六號交)

*Again, you are making either a booklet or a poster (not both!)

Sample page done for Golden Age of Han China 以下是用漢朝黃金時代為題做的project 的示範一頁

  • Grading Rubric: Does the concept map clearly and comprehensively present the picture of "Golden Age of Ancient Greece" ? 評分的標準是: 你是概念地圖是否全面地, 清晰地呈現了“希臘黃金時期” 
  • Hint 提示: 
  • 1) Use colors to make it more clear. 
  • 2) Add images! such as 3 types of Greek Columns! Do a simple sketch of them! 
  • 3) Include all the information that has "Father of..." because that person laid the foundation for that entire field.
  • 4) Ask yourself: Did I give a complete picture of this Golden Age? Is it a clear review-sheet-like concept map?

A Replica of the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee
Actual remnant of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece

Aristotle's 3 Modes of Persuasion 亞里士多德 說服的三種模式 (using example of if I want to make an argument that you should not smoke)
Ethos, appealing to credibility;  "I have a medical degree on oncology (studies on cancer tumors) from Harvard University" ***This person is building up his/her credibility by saying he is an expert on this area.
Pathos, appealing to emotion; “I witnessed the death of my grandfather who died of lung cancer (because of smoking). It was so sad. " ***This person tries to trigger the same feeling from readers, therefore, telling readers that smoking caused this sadness, so...
Logos, appealing to logic. "Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States" *** Citing data, saying this many people died of smoking, you shouldn't be one of them.

  • Hint 提示: 
  • 1) Use colors to make it more clear. 
  • 2) Add images! such as 3 types of Greek Columns! Do a simple sketch of them! 
  • 3) Include all the information that has "Father of..." because that person laid the foundation for that entire field.
  • 4) Ask yourself, did I give a complete picture of this Golden Age? Is it a clear review-sheet-like concept map?

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