Friday, December 6, 2019

Self-evaluation 自我評價表 + Monday‘s Quiz週一小考

 (For period 3 and 8)請在 "Other Comments" (其他評論) 空白的地方寫下一個 Glow (你“發光發熱” 的點, 你做得比較/最好的方面)以及一個 Grow (你應該可以 “成長” 的點, 目前你還不是很滿意的方面)
***如果你覺得你都做到所有的這些要求, Grow 可以寫如何幫助/帶動同學參與到課堂討論中

For Monday's Quiz, you have to know the location of these geographic features of India and China:
(這部分不會有中文翻譯, 請確保你知道這些英文的地理特徵/概念)
1. Taklamakan Desert
2. Gobi Desert
3. Yellow River
4. Yangtze River
5. Himalaya Mountains
6. Deccan Plateau
7. Indian Ocean
8. Indo-Gangetic Plain

 Make sure you know the following concepts;
  • Cultural diffusion 
  • Ashoka
  • Mauryan Empire
  • Gupta Empire
  • Golden Age
  • Pataliputra 
  • Buddhism
  • 4 Noble Truths
  • Eight-fold Path
  • Middle Way
  • Reincarnation
  • Dharma
  • Karma
  • Caste System
  • Silk Road
  • Shi Huangdi
  • Terracotta Army
  • Great Wall
  • Warring States period
  • Qin (Ch'in)
  • Dynasty
  • Legalism

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